*** Please note these events are in addition to our weekly scheduled ministry programs ***

Sunday at Fairview
This Sunday: Pastor Jim Neville
Our Easter Series: Overcome
“Guilt and Shame”
Colossians 2: 11-15
Hope you can join us!

Young at Heart Pizza and Board Games
Please join us for some comfort food and board game fun!
Bring your favourite Board/Card Game.
Sign up at the Connection Centre.

Membership Class
If you are interested in learning more about Fairview or if you would like to make Fairview your home church and how to become a member, then this class is for you.
Please sign up at our Connection Centre.
Your facilitator: Lead Pastor Jim Neville

Young at Heart Chili and Dessert Luncheon
Sign up at our Connection Centre on or after February 9th to bring a Chili or Dessert
Special Guest Speaker: Dr. David Kazhila on Heart Health
Wear RED if you can!
We look forward to seeing everyone!

Adult Plan to Protect
Attention to all existing volunteers or for those who are looking to volunteer.
Sign up will be available at the Connection Centre on Sunday February 2nd, and after.
Please sign up so we can have your volunteer file documentation ready for you.
If it has been 2 years since your last seminar, please make time to attend this seminar.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Ladies Prayer Luncheon
Ladies, mark your calendars for a time of food, fellowship and prayer.
Sign up will be available at the Connection Centre on and after Sunday January 19th.
Lunch will be provided.

Young at Heart Soup and Dessert Luncheon
Sign up at our Connection Centre to bring a soup or dessert.
Our special guest speaker is Constable Walden on ‘fraud and scams’
We would love to see you there!

Kingdom Youth-New Years Eve Extravaganza
Jr. and Sr. High Event
Bring Gym Clothes and Outdoor Winter Clothes
$20 per person

Sunday at Fairview
This Sunday: Pastor Steven Margeson
New Year’s Renovation
2 Corinthians 5: 17
Hope you can join us!

Sunday at Fairview
This Sunday: Pastor Jim Neville
Our Series: Promised: Christmas From the Old Testament
“The Promise of the Light of the World”
Isaiah 9: 1-7; Luke 2: 22-33
Hope you can join us!

Christmas Presentation
Hallelujah: A Night of Hope
Please join us for an evening celebration of Emmanuel, God with Us.
The evening will be presenting the events of Luke 2 through music, drama and a message of hope.
We hope to see you here!

Ladies Christmas Event
Ladies Christmas Event
“Light to the World”
Special Speaker: Susan Neville
Please sign up at our Connection Centre
Come join us for an evening of fun and fellowship as we celebrate this coming season!

Young at Heart Christmas Dinner
Please join us for a wonderful evening of food and fellowship!
Special Guest: Al Smith (music and testimony)
Tickets are $45 per person and will be on sale this coming Sunday at the back of the auditorium.
We hope you can join us!

Grief Share - Surviving the Holidays Evnt
Please sign up at our Connection Centre.
For more information check out our website page or
please contact Louise Erhart supermomof5@hotmail.com

Membership Class
Want to learn more about Membership here at Fairview?
Your facilitator: Pastor Jim Neville

Ladies Prayer Luncheon
Please join us for a light lunch and dedicated prayer time.
Please sign up at our Connection Centre.
Lunch will be provided.
Hope to see you there!

DIVORCECARE "Surviving the Holidays"
Divorced? Separated? Know someone who is?
When a marriage ends, the holiday season can be especially painful. Our Surviving the Holidays seminar helps participants face challenges and discover:
How to deal with emotions, helpful tips to surviving social events, ways to help children through the holidays, hope for the future.
Join us for this encouraging seminar. Available online only.
October 29, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Contact Bonnie Stacey 416-271-8473 or register at www.divorcecare.org

Adult Plan to Protect Seminar
Please sign up at our Connection Centre so we can prepare your documentation ahead of time.

Young at Heart Dessert Night
Please join us for a Dessert Evening with special guest speakers Dennis and Cindy Geelen who will be sharing about the work with the Children in Honduras.
Sign up at the Connection Centre and bring a dessert.